
Yu gi oh season 5 episode 8
Yu gi oh season 5 episode 8

yu gi oh season 5 episode 8

Original version says it’s been nine hours since the tournament began.

yu gi oh season 5 episode 8

Because alcohol doesn’t exist…I can understand editing out smoking and alcohol if a good character is doing it (prevent kids from imitating their favorite characters) but doesn’t a villain doing those things insinuate that they’re bad? Pegasus’s wine was dialogue changed to fruit juice. Oddly, though, they also add a picture of Funny Bunny to the cover. The words “Funny Rabbit” were edited off of the comic Pegasus has. Yugi and the others have thirty minutes to help the theft victim or he will be forced to leave the island with the other people who lost their star chips. Desperate to save the company and his brother’s reputation, Mokuba escapes and steals a duelist’s deck and star chips to challenge Yugi so that Pegasus can’t duel him and win control over the company. Finally, Yugi and the others arrive at the Chinese restaurant where they think Yugi's grandpa is being held.Plot: Mokuba has been kidnapped by Pegasus in order to take over Kaiba’s company. Meanwhile, Zigfried wins his duel against Balfry Ginger, meaning he gets to be in the finals. Rebecca is surprised that Leon would have a deck like this, and even more surprised that she is being defeated by it.

yu gi oh season 5 episode 8

Then he begins playing many fairy tale monsters against Rebecca. Rebecca tries to start the same strategy she used against Vivian, but Leon turns out to be too good an opponent to be trapped by that as he foils her attempts to get her strategy started. Meanwhile, Rebecca and Leon begin their duel. They eventually find a map that they think will lead them to him, but Duke suspects a trap. As Yugi and the others prepare to cheer Rebecca on in her next duel against Leon, Professor Hawkins appears and informs the group that Yugi's grandpa has disappeared! Arthur heads off to cheer Rebecca on while Yugi and the rest while Yugi and the others go searching for Solomon. As Yugi and the others prepare to cheer Rebecca on in her next duel against Leon, Professor Hawkins appears and informs the group that Yugi's grandpa has disappeared! Arthur heads off to cheer Rebecca on while Yugi and the rest while The final four duelists have been chosen: Zigfried Lloyd, Leon Wilson, Rebecca Hawkins, and Balfry Ginger. Summary: The final four duelists have been chosen: Zigfried Lloyd, Leon Wilson, Rebecca Hawkins, and Balfry Ginger.

Yu gi oh season 5 episode 8